Parent Friendly Employer
Parent Friendly is a standard for parent-friendly people management, offering accreditation to organisations that adhere to the Parent Friendly Standard. For organisations who want to attract and retain parents or employees who might become parents in the future. It is essential for organisations to design and integrate policies to empower employees to have healthy, functional personal relationships and be fully engaged at work.
The majority of people in your workforce are likely to become parents at some point. Supporting them throughout that transition (and beyond) lets your organisation retain valuable talent and helps employees do their best work. The evidence is growing that resourcing individuals and families enhance both employee and organisational wellbeing. Workforce wellbeing crosses over work and home, they integrally impact one another. Happy homes, happy workforce.
Identify your employee's priorities, evaluate your progress and recognise your achievements through accreditation. Your organisation can apply to the Parent Friendly Standard by contacting us, to receive your free information pack.