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Become a contributor

Read our blog, now want to be a contributor at Join our community of guest bloggers. is a blogger’s community. Being a community blog, we always encourage upcoming bloggers to contribute an original article related to the topic of our blog, in order to showcase themselves in front of a wide audience.

The purpose here is to help you to reach out to a new audience base, share your experience, and perhaps most importantly, give something back.

Blogging is a great way to help others who are soon to embark on some of the challenges, successes and experiences you have already endured as a dad. It's also a great therapeutic reflective exercise and you would be one of our first guest bloggers.
"Yer but I don't have much to say, I'm pretty average". Pretty average is exactly what we're looking for! The hurdles you've conquered, sick you've endured and that hack you've invented, I bet someone is facing right now and eagerly searching for that solution. It's easy to oversimplify the hardship, once your past it. But think of how daunting or relentless it was when you were in the thick of it, when it just niggled away at your core on a daily basis. That's why we blog, to help!
The process is easier than you might think and once you start it's easy to produce something to be proud of, in a very short period of time.
This Dad Can Contributor
We know that people relate to stories, so start by perhaps having a think about some of the recent positive times with your child. Why was it good, what new challenges is their age presenting, how did you overcome that obstacle etc. Just get some headings down on the computer and you wouldn't believe how quickly it can flow.

However, you don't have to be a parent, to write a post which will benefit them. Your article must be original and related to the topic of our blog in order to be showcased.

How can you become a contributor?

If you're up for it, we've created a dedicated place for guest bloggers to submit their blog ideas. Scope out You will need to register on the site, which literally takes 2 minutes and you can do for free.

Like what you've read, leave your comments below. You may also like to read What the election means for your paternity leave. From forum's too short courses, if you're keen to learn the secrets of successful dads, register at today.


This Dad Can

Jon’s the father of two, married for seven years and the Founder & Director of This Dad Can.

He's passionate about health & sport, community action, and personal development. These passions have integrally influenced his character into the man he is today.

This Dad Can resources men, to be the dads they want to be. Covering topics such as happy parenting, communication, supporting mom and practical changes. From short courses to bespoke packages, dads can find us at

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