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Designed for multi-sport athletes and multi-discipline adventures, this 70L pack is a blank canvas with limitless modularity–or as limitless as your imagination.
DESIGNED FOR: Multi-discipline Adventures
GOOD FOR: Multi-sport, Bushwhacking, Climbing, Mountaineering, Skiing, Expeditions, Off-trail Backpacking, Bikepacking
WEIGHT: 39.5oz | 1120g (Medium)
The most stripped-down model we make, this multi-discipline adventure pack is meant to be used anywhere, in any season, for any length of time. Attachable accessories are available and primary features include:
Four vertical daisy chains for attachment points and modularity
Six horizontal side straps for compression and load security
Two removable vertical compression straps and over the top Y-strap
Added frame sheet suspension for greater load carry
D-shaped bottom keeps pack upright while loading/unloading
Both White & Black pack are 150-denier DCH fabric
スピリットエクスプレス 17cm 4本セットペツル フルハーネスペツル アイディ S ②ボルダリングホールド クライミングホールド スナップ SNAPペツル クイックドロー